This is the story of a Korean family that immigrates to California in search of a better life, only to find that the…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues to learn where Barack Obama stands on immigration, healthcare, foreign…
After introduction to a family tree website, students are inspired to research their own family histories.
Enhance understanding with discussion questions for Willa Cather's My Antonia. This reading guide also contains a…
The Keeping Quilt is a multi-generational story that follows a beloved quilt from one family member to another. The…
These ready-to-use career exploration resources from TeacherVision and Genius Plaza will inspire students and make it…
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
An article explaining the roles of the U.S. president's cabinet.
Select one of the titles below to view great material that will assist you in teaching these literary classics, old and…